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Kundalini's power lies dormant in humans until it is awakened. The awakened Kundalini expresses the primal divine impulse and ultimately joins the individual with the divine. The development of the book parallels the development of the Kundalini within. Part One exposes the awakening and unfolding of the Kundalini; Part Two describes the piercing of the energy centers and the stages of ascent through the body; and Part Three examines Kundalini's relation to sexual expression. The book provides a deep understanding of Tantra and of the underlying purpose of Tantracism. The author carefully considers the Caryakrama practices of sexual expression as a means of awakening and controlling Kundalini.

Silburn draws together passages from the Trika, Krama, and Kaula systems ranging through Abhinavagupta and Lalla and provides both translation and commentary for them. Chapters on the Chakras, the Nadis, and on mantras further elucidate the topic and lead to a forceful conclusion: Kundalini is the source of ultimate human knowledge and power.

Rozhodne se jedna o radost, protoze se testeri hry konecne dockali 2 novych modu ve hre (Kampan,Interaktivni mod) Ja jsem nevahal otestovat Kampan a vy se na to muzete mrknout semnou. Interaktivni mod vam nenatocim z duvodu, aby jsem vam neodhalil vse co se ve hre skryva a co nyni beta verze obsahuje. Hru jsem tocil v primitivnim rozliseni s nizkymi detaily i to nemeni nic na hratelnosti hry jen to odstranilo par grafickych bugu ktere me vadily pri spusteni kampane:(. Doufejme ze plnohodnotna hra nam prinese spoustu zabavy a odstranene zbytecne bugy vcetne bugu co zazijete ke konci videa.:( Jeste jsem pro vas natocil posledni nahravku kde hru hraji na plnych detailech ve 2k s urychlenim 1.35 a to bude posledni nahravka a nadale tuto hru nehodlam tocit pockam na finalni vysledek a hodlam jej tez plne skritizovat ci pochvalit. Hraje: Djjaner.