In Summary Three blokes in a ship have only gone and discovered another land, one packed with a group of creatures that live together in a sect called the Brotherhood and without the influence of any god. They know new skills and are willing to let you in on the secrets if you and your creature can perform a series of tasks. What's The Big Deal?

Black and White Fan Patch Setup Dialog. Use Black & White Resurrection. Creature Isle expansion is not supported. Download the following archive.


Like it or loathe it, Black & White was one of the most original titles released in years. This add-on pack, which Lionhead is referring to as a mini-sequel, takes the open-ended model and improves upon it, while adding a more tightly focused gaming experience.

When Black & White was released earlier in the year, a massive wedge was driven into the heart of the gaming community. We haven't had as much feedback about a game since the dreaded QIII/UT debate, and although a load of you loved it, just as many seemed to hate the micro-management and the unfortunate fact that the game was buggy on release. Not one to be deterred, Molyneux and Lionhead have been hard at work creating what is undoubtedly just the first of a whole host of Black & White expansions. Creature Isles is being tagged a mini-sequel, but if you're really nice we'll let you substitute the words add-on pack, or expansion. Anyhow, do you remember those annoying, singing missionaries from the first land?

Get us some wood and get us some meat 'cause we're too bloody lazy to get to our feeeeeeeet.' You should have squashed them with a rock, but if you had they wouldn't have discovered a new land, populated by a group of creatures who live in a commune known as the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood prove that living together in harmony can bring great rewards and the island holds loads of new miracles for your creature to learn. The trouble is that before the Brotherhood will disgorge any of its secrets you have to take part in an initiation rite, which demands you suck up to the natives by performing a task for each in turn.

After you've succeeded in all of these you're marked with the sign of the Brotherhood and your creature will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Or something like that. But jumping through hoops for the Brotherhood is only half of the game. Zhauabimen

As well as performing for the crowd, your creature has to raise a pet of its own. And where as in Black & While your actions formed the basis for the actions of your creatures, so the way your creature acts will determine the nature of its new little friend.

After hearing about the impending release, we got straight on the phone to Peter Molyneux to quiz him about the new game and whether you can expect to see any advancements beyond the new skills. He was keen to point out that the A1 (one of the high points for the original game) has been taken even further this time around; and the fact that your actions dictate your creature's, which in turn moulds his apprentice, takes the open-ended gameplay into completely new territories. Creature Isles also contains more specific games and puzzles than the original, which has been criticised by some for being nothing more than a glorified sandpit powered by a superb 3D engine. We haven't seen code running yet, but you can rest assured that we'll be motoring down the road to Lionhead Studios as soon as a preview build is up and running.

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