Here are some handy cheat code for Play Station 2 game: Final Fantasy X (International). They can do you great help with the 3 really annoying minigames, which I believe have driven thousands of people crazy.:DDD. They can be directly used with PCSX2 emulator. Jun 3, 2013 - My pnach file is named as BB3D833A.pnach I've made sure that the. The codes in the pnach file are for the correct version of Final Fantasy X.

Finally, after overcoming my laziness that prevents me from putting something on this blog, today I'm posting my collection of PCSX2 cheat patches I have made so far. In the past, I've posted this collection on several emulation forum sites, but due to my stubbornness for creating a sole thread for my collection, this archive was constantly removed by forum admins, can they blame me if I find their cheat archive so disorganized in their forums and would take hundreds of thread pages just to find a single cheat?

يتم العثور على الطلاب بعد ذلك متحولين إلى حجارة. La pietra monroe. ' كان عيد ميلاد هاري بوتر في الصيف الأسوأ على الإطلاق؛ وصلته خلاله تحذيرات مشؤومة من دوبي قزم المنزل، وأنقذه صديقه رون ويسلي من عائلة دورسلي في السيارة الطائرة السحرية! بعد عودة هاري إلى مدرسة هوجورتس لفنون السحر والشعوذة لبدء العام الدراسي الثاني، تردد إلى سمعه صدى لهمسات غريبة تدوي خلال الممرات الفارغة - ومن ثمّ بدأ الهجوم.

//Break Damage Limit patch=1,EE,101C219C,extended,00000001 //Break Break Damage Limit Limit patch=1,EE,101C2188,extended,00000098 patch=1,EE,101C2190,extended,0000967F patch=1,EE,101C21A4,extended,00000098 patch=1,EE,101C21AC,extended,0000967F //Break Damage (9999 Limit) patch=1,EE,201C218C,extended,3C0B0099 //Break Damage (99,999 Limit) patch=1,EE,201C2184,extended,3C030099 //Break 99,999 Damage Limit On Some Items & Special Attacks patch=1,EE,201C21A4,extended,3C0B0099 //Break Item Damage/Healing Limit patch=1,EE,201C21B4,extended,3C030099 • • • • •. Tried to put it in, with no good result. On the console, it says that can't open file 'cheats a39517ab.pnach' (error 2: the system cannot find the file specified.) So I renamed the file to a39517ab.pnach (not a39517ab.pnach.txt).

This time, it says 9 cheats loaded, but I cannot go over the damage limit (testing on a Besaid Dog in Monster Arena). Resident evil revelations trainer mrantifun.