F&P Russkoe Pravoslavnoe Rozhdestvo Russkoe Pravoslavnoe Rozhdestvo Menu: Osnovnye razdely Sem'ya i zhizn' Ukrashenie cheloveka - mudrost', ukrashenie mudrosti - spokojstvie, ukrashenie spokojstviya - otvaga, ukrashenie otvagi - myagkost'. - Vostochnaya mudrost' Pravoslavnoe Rozhdestvo otmechaetsya 7 yanvarya.

Nizhe dany ssylki na informatsionnye istochniki, rasskazyvayuschie ob istorii i obychayah etogo prazdnika. • Na etoj stranitse mozhno najti informatsiyu o prazdnovanii Pravoslavnogo Rozhdestva v Rossii. • Kak skazat' 'S Rozhdestvom!' Ili 'S Novym Godom!' Po-russki, yarmyanski, estonski, pol'ski, cheshski ili na yazyke drugih stran mira?

Youth Hostel Punkl with the quadrature of 570m2 is suitable for the accommodation of 48 guests. Our guests may choose to stay in twin bed, 4-bed or 8-bed rooms with private toilets. One of our rooms is also wheelchair accessible. See more What others are saying 'DIY Jewelry - Macrame Friendship Bracelets - tutorials for lots of different knots & designs.' 'DIY your Christmas gifts this year with GLAMULET. They are compatible with Pandora bracelets. Cool crafts for teens: gotta make this! Doing this right nw'.

Zaglyanite na etu stranitsu i Vy uznaete. • Kratkaya istoriya Rozhdestva v Rossii i mestnye obychai. • Material predostavlen bibliotekoj Kongressa. Vystavka dokumentov rasskazyvaet o stolknovenii interesov Russkoj Pravoslavnoj TSerkvi s iskonnoj kul'turoj Alyaski. Pokazano prodolzhitel'noe (s 1794 po 1915 gg) vliyanie Rossii i ee Pravoslavnoj TSerkvi na kul'turu aleutov i eskimosov. • Devyatiletnyaya Karina iz Mezhdunarodnoj shkoly v Danii rasskazyvaet pro Rozhdestvo v Rossii • The Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia site provides a wealth of information regarding the Russian Orthodox Church abroad including its mission, history, organization, and a complete parish directory.

• A small listing of the traditions followed when celebrating Christmas in Russia. • This site gives a brief description with several beautiful graphics of churches and icons.

The site is in Russian, English, and German. • This site is in Russian only and is the information and publishing center of the Russian Orthodox faith. • Traditions of this holiday in Russia are presented along with a recipe for Nesselrode pudding.

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