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The Brooklyn-based trio (singer/guitarist, singer/bassist, and drummer ) play with the fire and enthusiasm of youth. Their debut album,, is full of rampaging psych pop, sticky sweet indie pop and some moments that seem like a mashup of,,,. For such a young band, they are in full control of their sound. Conjures up murky riffs, spiraling leads, and chiming arpeggios out of his guitar, each song flitting from one classic sound to another. Holds down the beat steadily, never letting things drift off or get weighed down by riffage. 's bass playing is propulsive and restrained, her vocals are one of the group's strengths.

The pure tone of her voice fits well alongside scruffy guitars or heavy thumping drums, and when the band shifts into pop mode, like on the jangling '90s heartbreak ballad 'Easier Said,' she brings a lot of heartsick yearning to the table. The three members of the band blend together perfectly, even 's yelping vocals, which could have been a distraction, are perfectly balanced, and the songs where he and duet sound like alternate world and epics.

'I Was Home' is the best of these; with its slacker vibe and huge guitar hooks it sounds like a lost grunge-era gem. The whole album is full of great songs like this, whether it's the rambling witch-psych of 'This Kinda Feeling' or the slowly unspooling drama found on 'Creation Myth,' the trio are adept at blending catchy melodies and interesting arrangements. A handful of the songs are good enough that they'll be stuck in listener's heads right away and will prove hard to shake.

Check out the insistent 'Wall Watcher' or the sweetly peaceful 'I Want You to Give Me Enough Time,' for examples. Even the songs that seem a little derivative don't suffer for it thanks to the energy they bring. Is an impressive debut from a band who seem positioned to make many more excellent albums if they can continue to do such a good job of mining the past for gold and revamping it in their own fashion like they do so well here.

Ebook ekonomi pembangunan todaro economic development. For the average Rock-n-Roll fan, The Psych-Pop band known as Sunflower Bean may be a little out of the realm of what they are used to. However, those who look deeper into the music will realize Sunflower Bean is more than just some Pop band. Based in Brooklyn, New York, Guitarist/Vocalist Nick Kivlen and Drummer Jacob Faber began playing tunes while in high school before harnessing their creative energies to form Sunflower Bean in 2013. Completing the band with Vocalist/Bassist Julia Cumming, the band, gig after gig, all throughout New York, quickly build a buzz around them. This led to the release of their EP, Show Me Your Seven Secrets, in 2015; a diverse mix of Alternative Rock and dreamy guitar tones that gained them attention around the world. Well on their way, the band took a break from live shows in the Summer of 2015 to work on writing new music. In a local Brooklyn studio, with producer Matt Molnar, the band created eleven tracks in just one single week, and that collection of songs would become their debut full-length album entitled Human Ceremony.

Released on Fat Possum Records as of February 5th, 2016, the album’s dreamy sound kicks off with the title track, “Human Ceremony.” The song starts off with a moody Psych-Pop vibe with a melodic guitar riff that will make listeners want to sway back and forth with the retro, textured chorus sung by Kivlen. Completely different, “Come On” picks up energy, almost possessing a Joan Jett sound, and is one any teenager would blast just to annoy their parents. The following track, “2013,” is a mix of Rock and Pop. Still having energy, it is slightly more laid back with rapid drumming from Faber in the distance. Cumming projects a monotone sound throughout parts of the song, then changes things up to hit listeners with a more alto sounding voice.

Moving right along, “Easier Said” almost sounds like a track with the combination of Cummings and Kivlen’s voices. Going back to that moody Psych-Pop they began the album with, there is also an atmospheric texture with complementary guitar riff. Kicking up the pace again, “This Kind of Feeling” is lyrically and instrumentally very well-written. One would say the track is in the vein of with further influence from aforementioned Rock legend, Joan Jett, inspiration.